Paula Tobey

Welcome to The Wild Native Collection (TM) ! My name is Paula -Traveling Feather Who Dances- Tobey, and I am the proud owner and sole creative force behind this company. At 47 years old, I find myself at a point in my life where my passion for nature, creativity, and cultural heritage has converged into a beautiful journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.

As a mother of three beautiful children, I have always sought to instill in them a deep appreciation for the natural world and a connection with our ancestral roots. It is this love of nature and my mixed heritage, including Ojibwe and French, that has helped to shape my artistic pursuits and also inspired the creation of The Wild Native Collection (TM).

As a painter, I immerse myself and my art with the vibrant hues of the natural landscape, capturing its raw, rugged beauty and conveying that essence onto the canvas. I hope to evoke a sense of wonder, serenity and reverence for the world that we inhabit through my paintings.

In addition to painting, I have been learning to understand the plant people and their wonderful medicines. I handcraft herbal products and self care remedies for everyday living. Drawing from the wisdom of traditional healing practices and the bountiful offerings of nature, I infuse each creation with the purest intention , nourishing both the body and the soul.

Wire wrapping jewelry and leather work are my other passions, allowing me to channel my creativity into wearable pieces and home decor items that embody the spirit of nature. Each and every wire wrap and leather design is meticulously crafted, intertwining delicate elements and organic motifs to celebrate the majestic beauty of the natural world.

While I currently reside in the vibrant city of Toronto, my heart remains deeply connected to my hometown of Honey Harbour, Ontario. It is there, surrounded by family and many days spent outdoors, that my love affair with nature was ignited. Amidst the lush greenery, rocky landscape, and the whispers of ancestral spirits my journey began. Through The Wild Native Collection, I strive to honour the land and traditions that have shaped me, paying homage to my First Nations heritage.

On this journey, I am constantly seeking to deepen my connection with my Ojibwe culture. I am actively learning to speak Anishinaabemowin, the language of my ancestors, as a way to honour and preserve this invaluable part of my heritage. It is a journey of rediscovery, one that enriches both my personal growth and the artistic creations that I produce.

I invite you to join me on this remarkable path of natural living, cultural exploration and artistic expression. Let us, together, embrace the beauty of nature, celebrate our diverse heritage, and reconnect with the wisdom and serenity it offers. G'Chii Miigwech (Great Thanks) for being a part of The Wild Native Collection (TM).